Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another World...

...another day, are old things truly passed away! I love old things! I guess I always have, sort of. Thirty years ago, though (giving away my age), I began to have a deep stirring, a spiritual sensitivity over old things (I realize how strange that probably sounds). It really bothered me at the time. I had just laid down much of my seeking after 'things' two years prior, for the purpose of focusing my attentions on the Lord more. I felt that He'd asked that of me. He wasn't denying me anything. It was a filtering process that I needed to go through. So when this interest in 'things' began to spark, once more, I immediately assumed that I was pathetically weak and already returning without enough resistance, to that materialistic extreme that I'd just released myself from. What I was feeling however, wasn't a lust for temporal stuff, it was instead a groaning, grieving sadness and an enormous appreciation for the period of time (and the very people) that the articles themselves stood for. I knew that these feelings weren't truly owned by me. They were rather, a divine impartation from the Lord. At the time, I was incapable of grasping hold of the sense of it all. And He evidently didn't deem it necessary to share His reasoning then either. But now, finally - all these many years later. Guess what?

From the moment I walked through the door and entered into the room where I would set about to initiate and complete this project (this site) it has been, well, let's see, how can I describe it? I guess this little illustration might do: A construction worker shows up on a designated site to do his job. Suddenly, to his surprise, a steady stream of long lost friends begins to show up on the site to visit him. I tell you, memories - like children dancing in my attic, springing out of a treasured trunk, with me ascending the stairs to see 'what was the matter', have held me in audience from the onset of this project. I've found myself wondering what I've actually gotten myself into, here. Why are such old unanswered questionings, coming to lock arms and partner with their answers, now? (I'm beginning to feel as though I've been caught in a long, type of a, plotting out. And, I see Him as the mastermind behind it all. Somehow I have the distinct feeling that the 'truth' is about to be exposed.) Could it be that the answers are forthcoming now, for their relevance to this time - a time demanding answers, at that?

You'll be able to tell from this site, that I do love times past. I'm not stuck in the mud though. Nothing like that! I'm not a stationary person, in that way, anyway. I love all of the new stuff out now: technology, modern conveniences, fashion, etc. I don't oppose too much in the way of advancement, as long as it's unto a use for good. I'm very capable of adapting to and even being excited with change. However, I'm seeing a disconcerting, progressive 'new wave' emerging, in the way of human behavior, that frankly has me on my knees. And that same groaning and grieving over things past has (interestingly enough) returned.

This blog will be far different from the usual that you would log onto. I could sell my creative handmade items here, and oh, how I've been encouraged to do so. And I just may do that on a separate site. I could share foods, movies, small talk, all of which are great and I enjoy them myself. However, I am hard pressed to share something here, that acts as a persistent distraction to me (at the moment) from the things that I would prefer to focus on. Someone has got to take time out to address the greater issues, and I for one, am compelled to do just that.

Having said that... read on at your own risk!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Slowly But Surely

If you're visiting the site, it's been a two week long ordeal here, now. Night and day, because this is all foreign to me. I'm still experimenting, still learning, still perfecting what I've already learned, and hopefully there's something of interest for you by now.

This content represents my heart and life, if I may say so without being "overly serious". After twenty-nine years of following after a "Man" I met (not from this world), taking a different road, being misunderstood, and pressing on in spite of it, I now have these things to show for the time spent. Some of that "fruit" has been shared throughout the years but much has been concealed until now. Many of my closest family members, friends, and even mentors - who years ago gave me a hearty hand of fellowship and a 'nod' to move forward - have not seen or heard of these things posted here for you to see.

After waiting all this long time to do this, I am glad to say that I do have a bit of a "stockpile" to pull from; an overload for you I'm sure. Take what you want and come back for more at another time. The Lord has been very good to me. All things given to me, have come by way of of my belief in His written Word - His rich promises to me.

Ephesians 3: 20 - Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us...

Psalm 37: 4 - Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Malachi 3: 10 - Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes...And all nations shall call you blessed; for ye shall be a delightsome land.

Upon learning that there are promises to the believer (many of them as a matter of fact) and that I could have whatever ones I wanted, I decided to be a "glutton," honestly, to absolutely gorge myself. I wanted everything He had to give me and I began a quest to learn what exactly those things were!

I'm not ashamed to say that I wanted them all. The Lord takes great, great delight in that! And it works because He truly did give His life for it! All that you will read, displayed here, is only a "grain" of what He's so graciously given me over he years. Many, many hours of teaching, 300 prophetic songs, plays, and now a book - these are just a few of His blessings in my life.

I have had many, many say to me over the years, "I wish I could hear from Him like you do." I think that that is one of the greatest "promises" for us. And it is for "us"! Anyone who chooses to seek Him out, He says He will be found by that one, and He will reveal Himself to them.

Knowing Him, truly knowing Him, is by far the greatest gift of all! He truly is an awesome God and He watches over His Word to perform it!

I pray that you will find something on these pages that will encourage you to believe and to boost your faith!

Oh, and by the way, just so you understand, I know I haven't arrived yet, I still have more that I'm pressing toward attaining. And certainly, there are many who have far surpassed me. We give from what we've received and then He's faithful to multiply back! It's kind of like you emptying out one basket and He gives you back twelve - full!

So, time to share what's been going on 'behind closed doors'!