Thursday, December 27, 2012

Prophetic - July 4th 2007 - "Tumultuous" times ahead!

Second Video Above - Part of a medley given me for the present world condition - written prophetic in summer of 2007.

This is only a small part of a medley of songs that the Lord gave to me, in the summer of 2007, as I was working on the photos for the book "Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows". It melted my heart as I listened to "His heart" toward all peoples in the earth, at this time.

I believe this song to be especially directed toward us, in this awesome nation of the United States of America, where (without any real evidence to support these statements and only by revelation of the Lord) I absolutely see "a tumultuous time" approaching us!

I see in, and by the Holy Spirit, that there is coming a day soon, where those very particular ideals ... formulated by words ... set by laws ... recognized as standards and foundations, upon which this nation would be established ... signed and agreed upon by those given charge at the time of inception ... will come under great assault! There will come a mighty strong force (contrivance) deliberately designed and devised to strip away and to "neutralize" the very structure that created us on that one day - one peculiar nation - "one nation under God"!

Quoting the Lord's words to me in 2004 (an excerpt now taken from the documentation found in "Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows".

"There is a 'catalytic converter' coming - an all out 'campaign' being sent - to bring about a neutrality - to the foundations of Christianity - and to America as well"! 

The Lord, further, and at that time, expounded with these words, one for each letter in the word "campaign":


The lawmaking process in our country, could very easily tip a scale, very shortly, and we must be active in keeping our eyes upon these matters of such great importance! The way of the nation, is the way of the generation!

I believe this to be a time demanding great deliberations on the part of the citizens of this great country, as well those who would be the followers of Christ in the earth today - the Church!

What do we truly want for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and for future generations who we will leave behind one day? We will answer to those children for the choices that we ultimately make on their behalf, with our authority to influence. What will we choose for them, at this obvious fork in the road? - Visions posted on

My prayer (having been alerted by the Lord's insights) is that we "AWAKEN" to recognize our need, as well as our obvious responsibility as "elders" in this day unto the peoples of the land, to step up to the plate with right enlightenment, with wisdom that will truly perceive the end from the beginning! To go then beyond, to do as those who have gone on before us, and to quit ourselves like men making ourselves ready to take upon us that same sacrificial nature with which those men and women from former times, willingly and boldly chose to cloak themselves with in order to not only create butto valiantly protect and maintain for us as beneficiaries - the goodness and greatness that we have enjoyed in this wonderful place - the United States of America!

God equip us with comprehension for this "monumental moment in the history of mankind," as were His words to me by revelation in the year 2004.

As we turn to and inquire of Him, He will be faithful to answer with that which leads unto life!

Revelation 3: 17, 18 - Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched , and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked; I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyes-salve, that thou mayest see.

Izzy Herriette
With Bold Statements
From The Bird's Eye View

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